Animation Demo



Cartoon and other animated characters.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US New York, New Jersey, Bronx, Brooklyn)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
praying to them. I thought we were just hanging out in this big pool with our earthworm friends. Colony. Time to hit the trail. I find this diet shaming very hurtful of this IUs. But if it's such a big deal to you, Fine. From this moment on, No more people. Of course. Both you and I know cold turkey never works. My all right. No, no, I'm not. All right. You're telling me I have magic, that I'm descended from ancient heroes that have some sort of destiny and all in a way that makes me think I should be happy about all this. My father is dead. My life is over. I'm not a hero. Don't expect me to become one. I must warn you, no one has ever survived my special attack. For those who live in a cave, today is finally the day the much anticipated blockbuster premieres the froggy ist slimiest prequel sequel Renaissance Turtles. You have got to see it waited for my all time favorite sequel Prequel of the trilogy Far too long. Vacco, Wake up, Dingle. With all due respect, Unknown unit I am not a strange voice in your head. I am the onboard navigation and information system. And I am using the default voice number seven as requested by V Corporation. The owners of this starship, All you're off script heroism has made my life a rather difficult scramble. The last few hours. I'm delighted you're so complex, but it's still very irritating. In any case, I don't have time for this. Tell me where the Children are. He doesn't just show up in a ups. Bach. He showed up in mailboxes. Birthday boxes. Jack in the box is jukeboxes, boombox, toolboxes, Go. You understand? He's nothing but a killing machine. Yeah, he actually seemed like a pretty good guy.