Legacy Books Web Commercial

Video Narration


Commercial Film Voiceover for Legacy Books

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General) British (Received Pronunciation - RP, BBC)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
your path to becoming CEO has bean your very own hero's journey. You face down challenges that seemed insurmountable. You rose about doubt criticism from those around you and your confidence grew along with your inner reserves of strength and wisdom. Storey of your success journey is your legacy. It needs to be captured for those closest to you, your Children, grandchildren, closest colleagues on future generations. They are the people who care about you the most watched your Heinz on blows. But do they really understand what you've bean through the tough decisions, the sacrifices you made on the inner strength you drew up to reach the pinnacle of success? What is the purpose of reaching the very top of the ladder without capturing your legacy? Now is the time to memorialise your gem. Att CEO Legacy box We will capture your storey in a premium coffee table book to be admired for years to come. With decades of world class writing experience and a deep understanding of the CEOs journey to success, wear, the world's most sought after publisher for CEOs are unique. Interviewing process is designed to minimise your time but maximise the breadth and impact of your storey, our team of storytellers will find your hidden gems and unravel your defining moments on lessons learned you will be truly inspired by the impact of your own Storey. With greatest reward of all will be the legacy that you leave for future generations. Request your confidential information package at the bottom of this page if you're serious about capturing your legacy.