Trevor Bennett Character Voice Demo

Profile photo for Trevor Bennett
Not Yet Rated


This reel was meant to showcase my wide range of character voices as well as emotions. Capturing several different tones and feelings while also going from the highest and lowest parts of my range.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I'm done standing idly by watching us. Everyone I care about dies. Thistles. Your idea of a perfect world. Then I'm here to tear it all apart. Aziz, the rose petal silently fell upon the hills of the river valley. The man stood shocked, looking over the horizon to see the very town he once called home. They won't know where to find you when I'm done with you. Uh huh. Go away. You're not even worth my time. So why don't you just run along and we'll never have to speak to each other again? Got it? There's a whole world out there. I still haven't seen people have yet to meet E don't want to sit around anymore. E wanna go out there and do something? Look what we have here. A scared, pathetic child in the dark. Don't try to run. It's time to accept your fate. All right, we found it. I'll just crack that sucker open and we're home free. Yeah, about that bus e broke the key. You broke the key. What did I tell you specifically not to dio Those ain't supposed to know what would break in my hand. You're the one who found the crusty thing. Oh, boo hoo! You got your hands dirty now? What are we supposed todo