E-Learning and Medical Narration Demo - Timothy Callaway



E-Learning, Medical, Narration, Warm, Educational, Informative, Honest, Teacher, Professor, Concerned, Doctor, Lawyer, Physician, Training, Health Records, Medication, Caregivers, Dentist, Prescriptions, Educate, Inspire, Banking

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US West Coast - California, Portland)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
ever wonder whether it's OK to use the bank's computer and Internet connection to check your Facebook account or whether it's OK to fax a document to your real estate agent in the process of this course will answer questions like these. The purposes of the acceptable use policy are to outline the acceptable use of all information systems at the bank and to inform you about their role in cyber security. The policy also helps establish a culture of openness, trust and integrity. Step two in the M Tala process is to perform a medical screening exam, or MSC, for any person who comes to the E D requesting examination or treatment for a medical condition, regardless of severity, even if it's a toothache or an ankle sprain. Let's see what you've learned about personal use of the banks. I D. Resource is decide of each statement is an allowable personal use of the bank's resource is or not? If it is dragged the statement to the green check mark below it. If it is not, drag it to the Red X