Brandon Duque | Legal eLearning | Calm - Engaging - Upbeat - Professional - Trustworthy

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US Midwest- Chicago, Great Lakes) North American (US West Coast - California, Portland)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
the first step in writing a compelling statement of facts for your brief emotion is to prepare a chronology of events in the case that will help you identify the crucial elements who did what to whom, when and how and why they did it. Once the chronology is complete, you can start writing a narrative, a tale of the case that should be able to stand on its own from reading on Lee that section. The judge should be able to understand what the case is about. To write a narrative form composed as if you're telling a story. Avoid starting a Siris of sentences with dates as in on April 1st, 2017 at 11:55 a.m. That's fine for the chronology, but it will kill your prose unless a precise point in time is critical to understanding the case or deciding its outcome.