Audiobook Demo: Action elements, engaging, vampire characters



This demo shows off an action sequence with sound effects used throughout the book. Engaging story and exciting elements with multiple male and female characters. A gruff Australian accent was used for the character \"Shadow\" --

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


Australian North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
time to play Love Shadow gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and jog to the front door, calling out If all of you will please follow May, I'll direct you to your transportation. Please pay no mind to the breeds of ahead. He's out of his damn mind, Carisa said. Running back up to Dimitri. Dimitri snorted. You just figured that out. Now. Backing away, Dimitri looked up and around. Carisa did the same, going in the opposite direction in a well rehearsed move. They pulled their guns from the holsters on their hips, cocked them and waited. Dimitri saw the 1st 1 up on the roof of the house. He aimed and fired, hitting the breed between the eyes. It fell into the yard behind Tempest as she ran from the house with Luke it in their arms, Tempest screened, lost her balance, tripped and fell, losing or hold on Lucan. Carisa got to them, first, helped tempest up and gave her a shoved toward the RV. Korisa! Get down! Dimitri yelled, grabbing Lucan. She knelt and flung her coat around the boy to protect him. Bullets fired, hitting her back. Tempest screamed and started back for Lucan the meter move faster, grabbing her around the waist, picking her up to stop her as he held on to her. He also fired, hitting breeds that were shooting at Carisa and Lucan. Shadow move! Dmitry yelled Shadow, ran up to him, took tempest from his arms and kept right on running for the RV. Liukin! Tempest! Screamed. Shadow! Dimitri yelled, Shadow carried tempest inside and closed the door behind them. Behind the wheel. He started the RV, shoved it into gear, swung it wide around and drove into the yard right up to the front door. Dmitry was about to Yellen. Carisa Winter coat opened. She stood up with the boy hunched on the ground between her legs. She came up with their automatics in her hands, turning and firing, dropping breeds all over the place, guns empty. Looking over her shoulder, she bent, picked up Lucan and tossed him to Lucy in Iran toward her. When Ambrose came out of the house with Julia next to him, the baby in Julian's arms Obree dropped down from the roof behind them. Carisa move faster than Dmitry. She brought out a knife from her back and threw it at the breed, landing the blade in the left eye. Once Julian Ambrose were inside the RV shadow peeled out, tossing dirt all over. Corbyn had made it in time and came running out the front door. Dimitri ran up to him, grab his arms and forced him to run faster and harder, dragging the poor *******. Since he couldn't keep up. When Shadow made a wide turn, Ambrose his head popped out from the side door. Air Yeldon. Dmitri Dmitri grabbed his arm and with a yell, jerked Corbyn around, throwing him inside before pulling himself up a swell. But hanging out the door, he looked around for her, spotting her, still shooting at the breeds, taking over the roof and outnumbering them. Carisa Dimitri yelled, Come on! She stopped shooting, turned toward him and ran shadow. Didn't stop driving, either. Dmitry held his hand out to were induct when bullets flew at his head looking past her, A car came out of nowhere, racing toward them with men hanging out of the windows shooting. We've got new company, Dimitri yelled at shadow Carisa, look behind her as she ran for the RV but slid to a stop. ****, she turned toward the car following them. When it got close, she jumped in the air, did a flip over the hood and landed on the roof. Her fist punched through the windshield, and the guys hanging outside the car gave her their full attention. Dimitri went inside and up to shadow. What have you got? Hidden loan, Chanda me, see? Shadows said. Floor it. Dmitry knelt down and brought out three pieces of one of shadows. Little projects, a rocket launcher in two pieces, and the rocket that went with it might want to cover the kid's ears, he warned, walking to the other end of the RV, where he kicked out the back window. By then, he had the launcher together and the rocket in place. Taking aim. He fired just as Carisa jerked the steering wheel out of the car window, Theo, the rocket whistled out straight at the car. She jumped toward the RV, a split second ahead of the rocket hitting under the engine. Dmitry dropped the launcher and stretched his arm out the window. Hand down to her