Last Arc: Tactics Analogue (Bard Class Overview)



Recorded ad lib, I go over a brief summary of Last Arc: Tactics Analogue's Bard class.
Music by Daniel Shae

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US West Coast - California, Portland) North American (US Western)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Welcome to last Arc tactics analog. Here, we will highlight the base classes. First up is the bard, the buff master of last arc. Well, okay, he might not be that beefy looking, but trust me, you'll want a bar on your side when things go south after all what they're singing and dancing and speeches as annoying as it may be when he pulls out that silly looking instrument when a dragon is charging you, the bar is second to none when it comes to making sure that you do the best that you possibly can. Now let's go through what they can do. The academic talent tree is for people who want to know everything and be a walking encyclopedia, it might not seem like much, but you'll be real glad when he tells you before you fight that boss, that the holy weapon that you've been using for the last five levels is gonna do nothing and that you should probably pick up a dark realigned weapon instead. Now, before I get into the next three talent trees, it's important to know that the bard has three different ways of using his bardic performances. Those three different ways are through an instrument, dancing or just simply shouting it out. If you choose to use an instrument for your bardic performance, you only need your target or targets to hear your performance. The minstrel talent tree is the talent tree specifically for performing with an instrument. One of its talents medley allows you to perform two or even three bardic performances at the same time. Normally you're only allowed to perform one at a time during your turn instruments however require the most time to use as it requires your highest action. The standard action, meaning you can't swing a sword at the same time as you use a perform instrument. Check the next way to perform is via dance dancing just requires your opponent to see you. But then again, if they can't see you, they're not affected. The dancer talent tree helps people who want to have a little more mobility. In fact, it tends to help out with mealy bards because it only requires you to use a move action, which frees up your standard to help you swing that sword right into the face of a big ugly monster. Lastly there's perform oratory, basically shouting at the enemy or your allies to do better or worse, this performance type is the fastest to follow them being a swift action. The mediator talent tree is the talent tree for the people who want to talk their way out of the fight, whether it's begging for your life or just becoming best buds with the guy next door. This talent trees for you, but be careful this talent tree requires you to have a shared language, meaning if you can't speak their language, you're out of luck. One of the most iconic advanced classes that require a bard is the Blade dancer. Blade dancers are bars that aren't afraid to get themselves into particular fight. As the name implies, Blade dancers use dances to make the best out of their abilities, but don't let this fool you. Every bard has its place in last arc. Thank you for listening to the class highlight for the bard. We hope to see you again. Next time we'll see you around in the lands of caldera.