

Samples of eLearning work from Will Rice

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
So before we start working with Python, we have to install it. It could be done in one of three main ways. Number one official Python website. This is very easy to follow, but it will install python Onley with no external libraries. Thus this method is not recommended. And authors tone is the attitude the author has about a subject or toward the reader. Tone is typically conveyed through the words and phrases that the author uses. In this lesson, we're going to look at three general types of tone. Positive, negative and neutral. When it comes to ratios, proportions and percentages. The test will likely present these concepts inward problems to attempt to mislead you. Do not be fooled or be careless. Read carefully and approach the problem appropriately. Today we're exploring the blend of Javanese, Islamic and Roman architecture er that is featured on the Great Mosque in Samara in Central Java, Indonesia. If you try to navigate out of the examination screen, ah, warning will be flashed. If another attempt is made, it will disqualify you to answer a question. Click on the radio button with the correct answer to move to the next question. Click on the save and next button on the lower right hand side of the screen. Okay, Another machine learning model is boosting. Boosting incrementally builds an ensemble by training each model with the same data set, but where the model coefficients of estimators are adjusted according to the error of the last prediction. Suppose a chef prepares a wonderful feast, but no one ever eats it. We might wonder about the value of his work. The true worth of food is that it nourishes the body. Food strengthens a person and causes growth regardless of how good food might look, smell or taste. If it is not consumed, it cannot do its job.