Commercial Demo

Profile photo for Xander Taylor
Not Yet Rated
Television Ad


Range of commercial reads

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (Canadian-General) North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
you don't need travel insurance, you could just leave things in the hands of fate and risk it all. Or you could just get it. Protect your trip with Alliance Travel Insurance. There are any number of reasons to sell your car. Sometimes we need a little more room, sometimes a lot. Or maybe we just deserve a new one with more buyers than anywhere else. Why would you sell your car any other way? Car sales dot com For many Children, their path in life will lead them toe a door, a door that gives them a place to learn and to belong. While many doors open, these doors transform support your local boys and girls clubs. What can milk do? It can turn you into a morning person. It can have a little edge. Yeah, it can make creme brulee. Creme e. Come on, even kitties love it. Maybe the better question is, what can't milk do? You were born to this place, a land of brilliant sunshine and long days that push deep in Tonight. Loon Azul tequila Feed the wolf. It's a whole new kind of training. Is running cycling, weights? Endurance. You want something more, you have to be in the water. There's fit and there's Speedo fit