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podcasts from voices of the industry panels
Voice Acting
Podcast: Generating and Maintaining Business

Tommy Griffiths, a skilled voice actor, recently moderated a panel discussion on maintaining connections with clients and retaining clients for repeat business.

podcasts from voices of the industry panels
Voice Acting
Podcast: Running Your Own Business

Tommy Griffiths, a skilled voice actor , recently moderated a panel discussion on how to run and grow your voice acting business.

podcasts from voices of the industry panels
Voice Acting
Podcast: Networking

Tommy Griffiths, a skilled voice actor, recently moderated a panel discussion on the importance of creating a a network in the voice acting community.

Making Money
Podcast: The Role of Rates in the VO Industry

Bruce Kronenberg, Co-owner of Abacus entertainment recently moderated a panel discussion on the role rates play in the voice over industry.

Voice Acting
Podcast: Advice for New Voice Actors

Bruce Kronenberg, Co-owner of Abacus entertainment recently moderated a panel discussion on what advice voice actors would give to new talent beginning their...

Making Money
Podcast: Evolution of Voice Over Rates

Bruce Kronenberg, Co-owner of Abacus entertainment recently moderated a panel discussion on the evolution of voice over rates.

Making Money
Podcast: Feedback Regarding Rates

Bruce Kronenberg, Co-owner of Abacus entertainment moderated a panel discussion on the feedback voice actors have received on their rates from clients.

YouTube ads skipped
3 Reasons Why Your Ads Get Skipped on YouTube

How do commercial producers get people to watch their entire YouTube ad? What stops users from skipping ads on YouTube? Hear from YouTubers for quick tips.

An opera singer singing with his hands up
Vocal Health
Where Does Your Voice Naturally Shine?

it is far more common for a voice actor or singer to capitalize on the lower range of his or her instrument than its higher range.

ACTRA logo
Voice Acting
The History of ACTRA

Curious about the history of the Alliance of Canadian Cinema, Television, and Radio Artists (ACTRA)? Read about ACTRA here.

Transformers Age of Extinction
Voice Acting
Who Are the Voices in Transformers: Age of Extinction?

Wondering who the voice actors are in Transformers Age of Extinction? Look no further. Here is the list of who voices the characters.

Disney Frozen
Voice Acting
Who Are the Voices in Frozen?

Wondering who the voices are in Frozen? Here is a list of who provides the voices behind this cast of animated characters.

Showing 493-504 of 518 Articles