(ENG) Bank Mandiri Self-Introduction - 60 Sec Demo

Video Narration


A short one-minute online introduction for one of the leading banking services in Indonesia. Personally recorded and edited.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
When we're talking about achievements, it can be held that there are gonna be some that would love to boast around what they have accomplished in their life. The act of achievement tends to stray with one's own inner ambition. A result gained by hard effort or others. The viewpoint of one's quality and quantity from experience. If somehow someone asks me, what are my biggest achievements in life is? Well, I gotta say there are plenty but my most outstanding one is that for the past few years, I've managed to build my own community of great colleagues. How did I manage to start it? Well, I get to start and own my own podcast show that is slowly gaining audience knowing that the fruit of your labor has finally result in amazing outputs such as getting to know and being recognized by new networks, adapting to a new personality that suitss well to engage with others working on your interpersonal and communication skills to the fullest. The past few experience and years did shape me into a much more open minded and well understanding person. And by that, I wish to exert such capabilities for Bang Mandiri to exceed well in life to seek out new opportunities and to be more meaningful and impactful towards others. My name is Ali. I am a podcaster, freelance voice actor and I am ready to be a part of Bari.