Podcast Sample - Character

Profile photo for Brad Beadle Jr
Not Yet Rated


This is a clip from a recent podcast episode. Ensemble cast, audio drama. I played an assassin named Lent.
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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General) North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
no assassin. I'm surprised you actually showed up. When someone takes out a contract on themselves, I have to see what manner of person is behind that kind of action. That would be me. Night pause. Now, draw your way. I love to be done with this soon. That makes two of us. Then brandished steel Unites really are pain. You understand them? An assassin, right? Are you saying you're coward as well as a murderer? Open combat shows the true measure of a person Open combat. Uh, no. Open combat is messy. Mistakes happen. Not how I ply my trade. Now this This is how I ply my trade. Why? I see I'm more concerned with why you want did spare your j save. What have you done for in order tracing back to the blast You played armor. Idiots show no very little speed. You before you arrogant says the black full with a titanium quills sticking out of their forehead. What? My words came out fine. Your family must have been here since the blast. Normally, those quills get lodged in the back of the skull, not the front. I feel sleepy. That's your brain drowning in blood, No witchcraft, just technology and a full bleeding to death internally. Uh, what this is I really do hate you threw your life away like this. But you're the fool that put a contract on yourself and actually attached to a line of credit to it. Now, if you'll pardon me, titanium is hard to come by these days, You understand? Communicator. What bending contracts. Do I have something challenging? I hope I held communication from whom? That is very unorthodox. Put them through. This is Lent. If you've contacted me, you know who I am and what I do. My question is just who are you? Since you also reject that honorific business, everyone else these days subscribes to you can call me fuss. A joke about my name. Really? Your assumed name researched me, huh? Yeah. I needed to know that the personal hired for this job could actually get it done. And what job is that? Before? That I have a high rate, and that is far more zeros than I'm accustomed to see. I thought you might say that. Who do you want destroyed so bad that you'd pay that much? Very simple. No murder is a simple job. That much money tells me this is not simply all I want to do is infiltrate the casino Casino City, Kilmister. That's all that's all is the whole. That's not a simple job. That's not even a job that he's walking into a death trap. Look at that zero contract. The amount isn't the problem. I don't take contracts that will get me killed. No amount of money is worth my life. I thought you liked a challenge. I do. I love challenges again. This is not a challenge. This is just a waste of time, something help. I haven't accepted the job. I'm aware of that. Just go to this Gordon's If you like what you find there, contact. If not, I'll take my business elsewhere. No tricks, no tricks. Here's how to reach The other party has Hey you! They're no closer. Put the weapon down. I was told to come here. Men saying none come but one Last I checked, I was one person here behind you. Chateau. If you expect me to turn my back on a mutant with a gun drawn, your brain must really be swimming in a soup of itself. Men say none. Comfort one. You say shadow, not with you. We break shadow. Then you see what Metta nights I understand now? Agreed that Stay low ****. Using that hill for cover sniping. This rock will stop a few shots, but not enough. Do you realize you're attacking a member of the collective? Do you even know what the collective is? That had to be enough telemetry data that had to be Yes. Since when did nights carry rifles? Yes, Yes. Put them through. Now. That wasn't a trick. A personal combat computed. I can fire calibrated flash bangs. And your gloves has freeing little blades on the fingers. That's just amazing. How did you seal event? I do not abide spies. Says the person who kills from the shadows. That is a phones equivalency. I can see that. Why did you send this night after me? I didn't. I think the fellow you killed this morning wasn't stalwart as he led on. That sniper did take a long time to find you, though. Well, no concern of mine. E m growing tired of this. Let me be frank. I am not one to easily accept Gift's given my line of work. Yeah, but you're gonna want this either for yourself or for someone in the collective way. Go. It should be buried in an aluminum case about five paces behind the dead. You'll see the patch of disturbed Earth. This looks to be a very tiny case. Take it up and see for yourself. Don't you have better things to do than to toy with a member of the collective at the moment? No, but I really want to hear your reaction of this. You truly are a curse. Well, well, yes. Just what I always wanted. Clothes. You don't get over the casino city much, do you? Can't say that I do. Then I'll cut to the chase. That's a security guard's uniform for the casino. That really is some gift. How did you come by this? The name on it, says Witten. Give someone to the right person and you could do anything. Let can't argue that. Why did your finger slip? It did not. I'm accepting your contract. First. I'll be killing Mr A for you. That's the best news I've heard all day.