AvoMD - Believable, Smart, Educational, Narrator, Calming, Trustworthy

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My VO for AvoMD.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
clinical guidelines and workflows are impossible to use at the point of care as unwieldy pdf documents requiring frequent updates, evidence based medicine is hard to follow. As a result, patients receive substandard care, clinicians burnout and healthcare organizations lose money. Enter AVA. OmD. OmD is a next gen software platform for interactive clinical guidelines and decision support. The Point of care app is a mobile and desktop app that transforms clinical guidelines and content into interactive usable guidance so that providers can more effectively diagnose and treat patients. This app can work on a standalone basis. Work can integrate into the thr the of a builder allows institutions to customize, edit and update their own content with the push of a button. This interactive content is delivered to their providers instantly. On the point of care app. Institutions can use the builder themselves with the ability to customize off the shelf templates or have the EVO M. D. Team handle all content. Digitalization of. OmD offers analytics which offer insights into guideline usage and drive continuous quality improvement in the marketplace, which enables organizations to sell their own guidelines and clinical content to other providers. On the EVO M. D platform, organizations choose EVO M. D. To enhance quality and standardized care of oM D has been shown to improve clinical guideline usage by over 10 times. Save clinicians time. A recent trial demonstrated that 92% of clinicians prefer EVO M. D. To all other existing clinical tools generate new revenue from selling their content to others transform your clinical decision support enhance patient care become exceptional. Eva. OmDD