Animation Demo - Quirky, Boisterous, Calculating, Loving, and Heroic

Profile photo for Brooks Bedore
Not Yet Rated


I recorded the audio for this demo in a acoustically-treated room, and then it was mixed and mastered by Tunnelinh Demo Reels.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Why? Hello there, my good man. Can I interest you in? Okay. You don't want what I'm selling. I can see that. But what if I also threw in this coupon for a free drink, please? It's a large. I'm begging you. All right, honey. You sure you have everything? Books lunch? Yeah. And your old man's just worried. Kiddo. Have a good first day. She's crying. I'm so fast, Huh? Your honor. The defendant claims they were not around during the time this crime was committed. However, I would like to submit this security footage into evidence and let it do the talking. And for what reason am I not able to drink the whole keg? I am a patron of your bar. You let me drink and don't ask any questions. I finally got you. After all you've done to me to my family. Now. I cast you back into the depths from whence you came never to return. Yeah.