Character-Animation-Video Game



Various character voices, mostly monsters, assorted tough guys and authority figures and comedic goofiness for animation and videogames.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US South)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Tyler, I'm scanning for the package. We've got about one minute to create the mother of all distractions. Don't just stand there, you dumb mass, grab that rifle from the trunk and help me pop these suckers. I don't need your apologies. What I need is compensation from Roxanne. She should come and see my pitiful existence for herself. Keep in mind this is a joint mission. We're sharing the same habitat, crew module and group chamber at all times during this week. Well, when I climbed up this mountain, there wasn't anything here but a few billy goats and a bunch of empty holes. Well, it turns out they just didn't dig far enough. You to my mind are simply a problem. The problem that I would be more than happy to fix. That's what's so exciting about. It's wrapped in carbon fiber. You know how strong that is. Carbon fiber. It's insane. I'm Gandalf and it's not a broom handle. It's a magical staff. Listen, listen, you, you shall not pass. What we're doing is no secret. We sailed here under the cask in, clever. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the new president of the United States. Miss. Time for some shock therapy. Say hello to my little friend