Animation Demo - Shawn Cadieux, Voice Actor (English, French)

Profile photo for Shawn Cadieux
Not Yet Rated


Leaning on a love of storytelling, Shawn showcases a range of characters across the caring sibling, sleazy thief, irritated familiar and more.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


French (General) North American (Canadian-General) North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Looks like this whole piloting thing. Agrees with you. Not surprised he used to love when dad would take you up with him, but just promise me you'll be careful. Ok? I miss him. I never want to have to miss you too. I am not deserting. I am helping staying in the village to protect the young, the Children as any upstanding citizen would or you can always, as you say, forget any of this ever happened for a small talking my appreciation, Liz. I didn't trek halfway across this fricken swamp just to face off against a two bit smart mouthed brut who can't even throw a tooth. Looks like that. Rugrats got some when they told me I'd be guiding the next divine one to the dragon's gate. I expected the worldly man of discipline and honor. Not a kindergartner at Halloween. Cast out uh what cow homework when there are literal flesh eating alien parasites descending on the atmosphere as we speak. And I'm the only one who knows how to reconfigure these cannon blasters. Yeah, I don't think so.