Video Game Demo



Video game demo that includes lines from previous characters I've worked on. It has everything from fighter pilots, to commanders, unhinged fighters, brave knights, and even a kid like NPC!

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US South) Scottish (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Ranger one come in, ranger One, Ranger one, this is Delta four. Do you copy? Come in, ranger? When did the pigs become cowards begging the form or Ians to save them from the glorious carnage of battle? Do you feel death? Weekly, Soon you will be begging for it. You think I'm crazy? Well, my parents had me tested and it turns out you're right. Eat this Birdbrain. Those are some nasty looking bugs. All right, men, Let's kill them before they kill us. You want ghosts? No ghosts here, Mr, damn near impossible here in youngstown, nah, because you see people here, they just don't die. Damn bloodsuckers. If you think I'm gonna be a pawn in your game, you're wrong. I'm a night signs of you and I will do what it takes to defend my queen. Well, you really ace that flying lesson. I knew you could return back here any time to repeat the course.