Visit Vegas Places w/ Coyal Podcast created for small business owners

Profile photo for Coyal Harrison III
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This is an episode where Las Vegas ventures off to Washington with top ranked coach Christine Rose, CEO of Coach Christine Rose
I created this podcast which streams on all platforms and now in season two.

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Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US West Coast - California, Portland) US African American


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Vegas Places, this is episode 11 for all my small business owners, entrepreneurs. Um you know, I'm always looking for new ways to share best practices. I mean bring those of wisdom on board, um also share and critique some of their expertise. Now I have one, a woman with me, she's named top business coach of the decade. Um, also top 20 women business coach. Um she is a certified psychological safety coach. Um, she's been on basically all major broadcasting networks, she's also an award winning author. Um, I have with me, Christine Rose um, and she's the owner of Christine Rose coaching and consulting at coach, Christine Rose dot com. Christine Rose, I thank you for joining us here in Vegas and again, crowd were in Washington, so not to mention that this is an episode of ventures off. So we're venturing off the Washington and we have Christine Rose with us Christine, thank you for joining us. How are you doing today? Christine? Thank you coil. I am so grateful to be here with you today. I'm fabulous and it's really great to have this time together. Thanks for coming out to Washington state. Thank you! Yes, now you are, you have so much expertise. Christine. Um, your website is beautiful. I've been, I spent almost all night just reading it was like, oh my God, I wish she was in the room with me, I want to get straight to business because there's no way we can fit all your knowledge within this little 25 30 minutes time, so getting straight to the point, Christine. Um, Christine is definitely a coaching and consulting business now going straight into business coaching for small and medium business owners, this is not your facebook masterclass, so don't think of this, this is way more higher step, this is a more professional partnership and Christine. Could you just explain to us what is expected if we was the book, the free strategy session, which is right on your website, which is coach Christine rose dot com, um explain to the audience what they can expect from you. Oh thanks coil. Yeah, so I work with business owners that have become employers now, so they're reaching a million plus revenues and they are facing growing pains, right? So maybe they're facing, how do I hire and retain top performer? How do I get some, how do I get people to want to work for me instead of the other guy? Because it's hard sometimes right now in this great reshuffle or how do I level out my cash flow so that I can pay for inventory or how do I, you know, increase my number of services, How do I grow in a way where it works for everybody on the team, How do I help people who work for me feel as dedicated and invested in my business as I do and you know, they're, they're facing these struggles, you know, whatever it is, maybe some of them are seeing their revenues plateau. So what they do is just jump on a call with me, it's free and you know, I just listen, I say, hey, what's going on with you? What's going on with your business right now? What's happening with you with your logistics and supply chain? What's happening with you with your employees, you know, and where do you want to be, you know, where you want to be next year, where do you want to be in three years? Where do you want to be in five years? And are you building your business with the end in mind? And so let's just talk for half an hour, let's figure out what's going on from you with you and come up with some strategies and you know, that's, you'll leave with some information with some strategies that maybe you didn't think of before and also an understanding of why working with the business coach Can make all the difference that can, you know, kind of make you like my clients that are going from 10 million in revenue up to 50 million revenue in a couple of years. You know, how, how do they do that while coaching is about strategy, correct? That's right now. I like that approach. And it's, it's, it's funny because me being a small business owner myself, being a year a year in, what I noticed with me interviewing a lot of small business owners is, um, there's not a lot of surroundings where they have that kind of conversation with, so that coaching is important to have that detailed conversation to bring up those topics. Um and I'm sure when you have these conversations with some of these small business owners, I'm sure this is like the first time they probably even opened up to having these discussions with you that they didn't even know that needed to be talked about. Um how do you get them to open up? Well, you know, here's what it is. They just recognize that I care and they get that like the minute that they open up their eyes and jump on the call because I'm coaching because of love, I'm not coaching because I have to, I'm coaching because I mean I don't, I was retired, I started coaching, I studied coaching because I wanted to know why it works so well for me when I hired a coach and darn if I didn't have to start a business in order to get my certification. So then I started this business in 2015 and it's so much fun working with business owners and helping them make their dream come true and I've spent, I don't know, tons and tons of money and time on certifications because I want to learn even more like how can I really help you? And I just love it so much and they see that and then they're like, okay, yeah, you can help me too. Yes. Yes and I and the track your track is your proof, So the proof is in the pudding with Christine rose and I'm Christine on the next, when you move on I see you have the executive and team coaching services now, learning more about it and how you've broken it down into three focus points. Um Can you explain the importance of the three and which you have broken this one, the one with the executive coaching program, then you have to the core values team coaching and then three teams psychological safety coaching. Can you just brief each one for us please? Yeah, coil. Thanks. So the executive coaching is me working directly with you, the owner, the CEO or maybe you've got a high level team member in your leadership team and they're really great at what they do but they're maybe not so great at being a part of a team yet and they haven't figured out all the people side of it. So we can work on, you know, coming up with some strategies to figure out how to communicate better or how to come to agreements with team members, how to keep kind of manage the personal side a little bit better or you know, just how to accomplish some things that need to get done. So that's executive coaching and then I worked directly with C. E. O. S on some of the same things. I had a Ceo who just contracted to work with me about three months ago and we're working on developing the habits that will catapult him as a leader, not just, I mean, he doesn't just want to be a good leader, He wants to be an outstanding leader who makes a huge impact on his company and on his community. So we're working on leadership habits. So that's executive coaching. And so core values, coaching, you know, imagine if you could have a little magnifying glass that would take you right inside the core of a person that you were going to hire or someone on your team. Instead of seeing their face show up in a picture, you see the picture of them that's never going to change because The core values, index 97.7% repeat score reliable has been independently verified by multiple times by research partners with a 1.3 million sample size approximately around the world, You're gonna get to know who's this person. So if you've got teams where people aren't working together or you're not sure if they're in the right role because they're underperforming and you don't know why, you know, they they interview great. You think, oh my gosh, I found my great person and when they get in the role, they're not right or values helps you make sure that you've got the right people in the right place and that, you know, you're not having conflicts because, you know, so, and so it's all about the numbers and so, and so it's all about the relationships and they can't talk to each other. You know, you really need to understand who's on your team and how they work together. So that's what that's about. And we'll psychological safety coaching. Is that step where okay, nobody on our team is talking to each other anymore? Well, you think it's good. You know, actually what happens is the Ceo thinks everything's great. But the people on the team, no, because and what you're missing is the ceo is your missing their brilliance. If they don't have a culture where they can contribute their observations where they can try new things where they can ask questions where they can kind of knock over the sacred cows. And the psychological safety assessment helps, you know, I mean, it measures what's the temperature of the water for your team. And are you getting all the good juice out of your team or not? And if, you know, if you find out, you know, it's a blind assessment For teams of six or more and it really helps you see, okay, maybe things aren't as great as I thought they were. And then, you know, there's some recommendations of books to read or interventions to take. You don't have to spend a whole lot of money to really open up the culture and make it super for your teams. That is true. You're correct on that and that culture is important. And I'm glad you mentioned that because nowadays and it's very important to know your employees, especially when you're a small business owner. Um when you're a small business owner, every dollar counts, everyone knows that. Um so you really don't have money to be thrown around just training or always hiring. So we all hope that that one person we get out, that one shot is that one person and it will stop right there, but it doesn't work like that. Of course, this is not a perfect world. So it's just like your process improves that. Um it helps you bypass a lot of steps where you will waste money where you can just get right pinpoint to it. And then it's funny when you say culture, um it's like even if you have even eight employees and um you don't know your employees and you're bringing doughnuts every morning and um six of the employees don't eat sugar and convince the other two not to and you're wondering why the donuts are still on the table. So you're spending money when you don't have to because you don't know your employees when that money can go elsewhere to make them happy. So I, I love your thought process. That is real genius, Christine. Um when you circle back on some of these process that you implemented with companies, can you give us a couple of success stories that you can think of, you know, not to dwell into it, but just a couple of success stories before we go into the next topic. Oh thanks for asking coil. In fact, there's one company that hired me to do some team coaching and when they came to me They had a team of seven shareholders, one was on their way out the door, but the other ones, you know, they just weren't aligned and so they were having a hard time getting down to business plus, uh, one of the shareholders, a major shareholder, you know, really, it was like, how do we position this company for me to be able to exit? And these were people who are technically brilliant but didn't have that strategy vision and management capability. And so one of the things we did with them is like, first of all, let's reestablish trust and how do we do that? Well, we have some exercises to help people understand the dynamics of trust and we work through those together and they rebuild the trust on their team. And then we looked at, okay, how about organizational structure? Like why are you having people who have the highest billable hours, working on stuff that they don't need to be working on? Let's change how we do management a little bit and change and bring in somebody who's who's skill and expertise is oversight and management and move some things around. So they ended up being able to increase, I mean they didn't come to me because they wanted to build more money and make more money, but they ended up being able to increase their billable hours, cut down on the frustration of having too many fingers in the pot, right decision. And, and they, they had hired me for a year agreement and basically six months into it, they were done, they were like, no, we're good, we don't need it anymore, kept me every painter to do executive coaching with a lot of it, but you know, it's like you do not have to sit there and struggle and suffer. That's right, that's right. That's a good, there's nothing like a good success story. And when you're saying better, the team that goes into my next topic, um, which you did mention in your website, which is real key. Um, as you stated that it is hard to find the support of professional network you need locally. Um, again, you're not alone against small business owners. Could you share more about the 2022 Ceo mastermind Group program you have coming up and let my audience know how can they get in on that mastermind group. Oh, thanks coil. You know, successful business owners. Um, value builder has done the research and found that there's three things that they do that they have in common and they consistently do one is they read a lot of business books and always are seeking information from places like your podcast coil, they're, you know, they're just hungry for information. The second thing they do is they are part of a mastermind group. What mastermind groups do is put you in the room with your peers who are as smart as you are make with companies that are making as much money as your company's making so that you really have somebody now to strategize with and bounce ideas with. And then the third thing that they do is they have this forever curious, like they just want to know and so they remain curious with their teens. They remain curious and like what's a new way of doing something? This is what makes you successful. So the CEO mastermind groups that are launching this spring this summer, um in fact, I'm interviewing CEO? S from across the country right now for these groups And there's six CEOS to a group, your inner revenue tear with your peers. You know, there's a saying that says, if you're the smartest person in the room, find a new room, you're gonna find these are virtual. So you don't have to, you know, go anywhere park, you don't have to be gone for half a day. I mean, this is what I did was listening on what CEO is want and I created mastermind groups that maximize the value minimize the time required away from work and you know, really, it's like they're real sweet. There's an online learning community that we're starting really excited how you get into it is, You know, book and an introductory call, it's a 15 minute call. We talk about what you're facing, we figure out whether or not there might be a good fit. And after the introductory call we have an information call where you get to ask questions and I get to share how it works. I get to learn about your business to figure out, hey, is this a good fit? And then we figure out what tier you'd be in and then there's gonna be a mastermind experience coming up in june And if we're still interested in talking, we will invite you to that and you know, if it's not a good fit, you know, some people prefer to work 1-1 or maybe they're, you know, it's just not the right time for them, but there's never any pressure. You know, it's because I'm not looking for the wrong people in the group. I'm looking for the right people who are the right fit. Really great people. More information on the website about what would it take to qualify to be part of one of these groups. But it's a really wonderful online community. And then the cool thing is once we get them going, we will do one fun annual trip to an exotic place. So who knows, maybe they will go to Las Vegas for one of these. But also and their partners get to go are are welcome invited to do that. Of course it's optional in case you want to meet in person. But for the most part it's a virtual experience and I've been working on zoom since it first came out. Um, so it's, how do you connect with people on a virtual space and we will definitely do that. Yes. And you guys heard it and everything that we're going down on the list. Um, audiences via her coach, Christine Rose dot com website, beautiful website is coach Christine rose dot com and you definitely have to take the first step. All business owners, entrepreneurs aspiring. There's nothing to shame about seeking knowledge. Um, the widen your lane definitely. You need this knowledge, you need the coaching to take better steps, definitely save money. Um, not only get to know who you are, get to know who your business are in your reach and that offers support groups. Um, also, which is important nowadays. Now there are levels to reaching, Christine. There's another support group you do have Christine. Um, I would like you to enlighten us on and um, what to expect if, if one was to join the winds, which you would have. This is the weekly inspiration network for success. Um, can you brief us, if one was to join wins and what would they expect by joining? Mm hmm. Thanks coil. Yeah, that's an online facebook group. So if you're a solo preneurs or you haven't hit a million revenue yet or you know, maybe you just want some accountability. What the evidence has shown is that if you write down your goals, you're more likely to attain them if you than if you're just thinking them. So the first thing go write down your goals if you haven't done it yet secondly, if you tell your goals to someone, you're more likely to attain them than even if writing them down and then if you actually have an appointment where you check in on your goals with someone, you're significantly more likely to attain them. So wins is all about helping small business owners share their goals, share their wins and you know, be able to have a place to do that online, it's free. So feel free to check that out on the website. And another way that I support people coil is through value builder. So I want to encourage people to check out the value builder assessment, go under Ceo resources on the website and click on the free value builder link because you know, maybe you're already accountable, you don't need support like that. You've already grown your multimillion dollar business. That's fine. What you're doing now is are you building a company that's going to not just grow revenue and profit, but that's going to give you the owner value and significantly higher value than appears in your in your industry and value builder has done the research and identified the factors that drive up your multiple and help you work smarter, not harder like really work and so you can learn about those drivers through taking the value builder assessment and that's again on the Ceo resources part. Alright, alright, thank you for touching in on that Christine. Now you are also available to be booked for conferences whether virtual or live. Uh could you let us know about those services that you have available and also you can slide in I that you mentioned you will be here for an event and so let us know about that. Both Christine. Oh thanks coil yeah go to my upcoming events page And I've got a virtual success principles training coming up on April six for small business owners. It's a half day workshop. It's all online we take breaks every hour so you can answer your phone calls and answer your emails and come back and learn, I don't know if you guys have ever heard of Jack Canfield, the guy who wrote chicken soup for the Soul with Mark victor Hansen and you know it's just sold, I don't know millions and millions of copies. He also co wrote the Success Principles with Janet Switzer had to give Janet her props and I love Jack, he's somebody that I personally have worked with as a coach and he endorsed my book Life Beyond hashtag me too but I got this certification to do virtual workshops and then also working on the in person certification. So this, I'm almost done with that to be able to do success principles workshops and that's really where we look at what does it take to get from where you are to where you want to be. So check that out for april 6th. Um if you want to bring a success principles workshop to your team to your company, we can do a virtual or we can do an on site and I also do workshops on other topics like psychological safety Life beyond hashtag metoo, which is about leading a safe culture, especially if you're in high risk industry where harassment has been a problem, you might want to bring in some training for people on that. That's not just about compliance, but it's really more about how do we become the company where we really respect everybody and it's not just something we say, it's how we live. So lots of opportunities for training and workshops and happy to just answer any questions people have about that. That's great. Great. And I've loved that to focus on the sexual harassment part um spent some years in corporate um corporate America as an operations manager for call centers out here in las Vegas. You know, most of the fires that I put out were sexual harassment. So that is a big deal to be aware of it. Have conscious of it and under know your limits and what is ok and what is not okay. That is very important. That leads into the Christine Rose's most famous life beyond Me to her book, which is very important. Um um when I was reading actually I looked at the film that you had the Youtube you had embedded on your website. And I love how you mentioned that the Rose represents your gift giving to everyone. And it was nice because then it's it's symbolized also your last name. So it's like almost hand in hand. Um so I want you to let the audience know this is her book and it's called Life Beyond Hashtag Me Too. Um let us know about your book, Christine Rose. Oh thanks coil. You know, I was really honored and touched when My somebody nominated me for International Book Awards and the book got a winning finalists for top new nonfiction in 2021 because what it is for Is it's for leaders. It's for changemakers. It's for people who want to see the culture keep on getting better and better. And it's for people who are like, Okay, wow, what do I do with all those me too stories that showed up in 2017 and you know, how do we create safety in our culture? Um and you know, I don't know how to talk about this. You know, it's kind of uncomfortable to talk about, it makes me nervous. Uh and you know, maybe somebody's got a story of their own or maybe their partner or family member or coworker has a story and it's like, how do we Make sure this doesn't happen anymore. Um, you know, right now, one out of five college girls statistically is heading for having a rape victim status. And you know, it's like it's time to stop putting up with what we've put up with, not just in terms of, you know, somebody so bad and we can't put up with that, but more of what about imagining a world that's safe where you're safe from the fear of being falsely accused as much as you're safe from a fear of, of being a victim. And so let's create safety for everybody. And that's really what the book is all about. Um, it kind of goes into raising awareness of how we got to where we are and how can we get beyond it. I love it. And that is so important to where we can get to that world of safety where we can have a nice conversation to strangers and we can really truly have that conversation, especially women, um, to the opposite sex and know that that man doesn't have a malicious motive on his head while he's talking that he's sincerely talking about what he's talking about and that the world can change once we all take that, you know, behavior. And then not only that pass it on. And um, and then like you said, it takes each of us also to when we even see it done at least at least educate someone instead of just watching it happen. Just pull someone to the side, educate them. So that book is really great and I, and I commend you for taking the time out to even write it out. You know, spell it out for people because it is a difficult thing to talk about. Yeah, you know, uh I feel like there's been too many kind of, let me just tell you what I think kind of books out there and let me tell you my traumatic story book and it's not like that. This is yes, you'll understand what happened in Me too. It wasn't just about one bad guy in the movie industry, right? In entertainment, this is this is a global phenomenon. So it really helps you kind of be able to understand what happened, but everybody has a part to play in creating the future. And so I would just say to anybody listening and you know, especially small business owners, I mean we're leaders, You, you you know, your leaders and so how about creating a safer future for your employees, for your coworkers? You know, for your families and you know, it doesn't matter whether you're male or female, you can be a part in creating a safer future for everybody. And that's really why you want to check out the book. That's right, Let's make that behavior contagious. Everyone has to be contagious. Um Christine um one thing I want you to let all the audience know all of your social media handles, this is your time right now. I'm going to set the platform for you to let them know your website and all your social media handles and how can they take advantage of a session with you? Oh thanks coil. Yeah. So to book a session with me, just go to coach Christine Rose dot com or you can go to calendar early dot com forward slash Christine Rose and just book it right there and skip the website altogether if you want to. Um, and you know, to reach out to me, you can email me cr at coach Christine Rose dot com. Find me on facebook twitter, instagram linkedin. Uh, it's either Christine rose dot com or coach Christine Rose, you know, you can find me, I'm out there. Um, Christine Tea Rose I think is my, my page. I have like 4900 and 50 friends, 50 of them quit being my friends. But you know, it's so cute, I got the wrong page. Set up a business page and set up a public profile. If you think we're gonna hit 5000, then you can go to 10,000, I'm just telling you now. That's right and I followed you on all of it too and I saw you had all, I'm like, okay, cool. She's here and it's really cool when you like, um, it's really, we're looking at the other side of it when um like if I was to listen to this podcast right now and I hear you and I'm interested, I think social media is so positive to where they can hear us and then they look you up and then they see you and it's almost like they get to know you now and it's almost like we we broke, we broke the ice and that's what I I my goal is for this podcast is to break the ice for audience out there. Small business owners, entrepreneurs that need you, this breaks that ice. So now you don't have to wonder um you don't have to look like the dear and headlights. Um you don't have to have the butterflies, You don't have to think that this is a dumb question. Um we laid it out for you and Christina is available for you, Christine, thank you Coyle, thank you so much. You know what I want to give your listeners props because y'all are my heroes. You small business owners are what's making it happen in the U. S. And around the world. I mean who's ever listening? I mean your employees depend on you, your customers are blessed by the services and the products that you're providing and you are making a huge difference in the world and it's my pleasure to be of service and help you attain your goals. It's it's why, I mean I love it. It's it's fun and coils right, you can go stock, you can go figure out that I am gonna be a grandma pretty soon. You can go see all those balloon arch, which I'm asked me where you get the balloon arch from. But noise, it's really fun to get to know people and you know, you do want to know, hey, you know what's motivating people, What are they like? You know, follow me and you find out, I'm really grateful. That's right, right. That goes into my last segment, all my guests. Once you're on here on visit Vegas places with oil, I have to find out if you like this or that. And with this or that Christine, I just give you three different options with six options and you're gonna pick three out of the six, but I give them to you two at a time. So with this, so that it gives the audience a, you know, a better clue of what do you like personally and it's not too personable and of course the topics are trending. Um so with this first one on this or that with Christine rose, um I want to know in the morning for breakfast. Um do you prefer bagel or Mcmuffin Man? I have dr Gondry shakes. Thank you dr country because right now I ate too many bagels and I'm gonna recover from 2020. I'm like, no, I'm totally on protein shakes and getting up at five a.m. And get to my, that's what I'm doing in the morning. That's right. Oh man that's inspiring right there. Um Because I I'm a bagel though when I was so I'm glad that you you ate a lot of bagels. I'm a bagel person and I love the they have the new the caramel, honey nut philadelphia cream. I love that I can eat them all day. My wife and I she loves that one that blueberries. I couldn't believe that she eats it like religiously like straight out the jar wow but I'm glad that you're on the protein shakes. Um I have in the morning what I do is with Nora. Um I don't know if you heard of Nora but um I do the knee or a balance fit and it's doing pretty good and everything but you definitely have to work out with it. You can't just you know take shakes and everything and all that without the work out. Like you said go to the gym, there's a lot of people that do these shakes and things and think that okay if I do the shake and set up it works it doesn't you you have to put in work with thank you now I'm gonna take you back Christine to um your corporate days probably working days when you were working for a corporation. Did you prefer four tens or five eights. Well they didn't offer four tens. That's that's right hey I'm not too far now because um it wasn't there either. They just came when I was barely, you know, getting out not even that. It was, it was just getting rid of the weekly check things. I remember when back in the days almost everybody was weekly and I can't recall. I don't even think there's a weekly job that exists nowadays. Yeah. Well one nice thing about being a business owner is I get to set how many days? So starting in May, I'm taking off one day a week for grandma duty. So that's right. That's right. Congratulations to on that. I heard you say that. Congratulations. Christine. Yes, now the last this or that question I'm gonna ask on a night of relaxing. Once you're on break again, like you said with your with the new granddaughter, are you going to prefer to watch hulu or netflix son? Probably netflix. Netflix. Netflix. Yeah, probably netflix. Netflix voices. I do too. I do too. I tried the little things, you know, go back but it's something about the netflix. I got all the Downton Abbey finally though. I mean it only took me until just like a few months ago to finally get through Downton Abbey. So I'm like looking for suggestions on what's next. So have you seen Good Girls? Do you know of that show? The good girl? Good girl. I watched the Queen's gambit. I really love the strategy and that one coaching is I mean you know the alcoholism. I think it's not such a good thing, I would say to anybody who's out there struggling with a substance abuse problem and you're trying to run a business, go get your health right now. But I know there's a lot of good things on netflix, I'm enjoying it. Cool, cool, appreciate that. Now the last one is um we're gonna see how very very Vegas you are. And again, don't forget we are visiting Kristine out here in Seattle Washington, so we're gonna test her Vegas skills. Now again, this question is not a right or wrong answer. It's just to educate the audience on the history of las Vegas. So they're a question on how very, very Vegas you are Christine this question, how big is the bellagio lake in front? You know where the show goes on? So the question is how big is the bellagio lake and you can just give a guess. Well I walked around, it takes longer than the show, I love the fountains. I mean it's like, what are you talking about? Like a, I don't know how big around it is, maybe a mile around. Um actually I haven't, I didn't know either. So don't think I'm just some genius with all these Vegas answers in my head, so the actual um answer is eight acres. So it's eight acres. I know and it states it states that the lake also features 1200 fountains, so that's 1200 fountains that perform a choreographed water shell, which we know dancing to music ranging from Broadway to classical. So it took 1200 fountains to do that as well. Yeah, it's an experience not to be missed that. I mean, you know, you just have to get out there and walk. I mean you can watch it from the window of your hotel room, but it's really kind of one of those things where even during Covid, like you're outside, just go watch this beautiful. That's right. Listen to the cool music or dance to the music when you're watching it. That's fun. Right, that is now Christine. I want to thank you. Thank you for participating. Also, I want to thank you for joining us, visit Vegas places, um, Seattle Washington, Christine Rose, owner of Christine Rose, coaching and consulting again. Our website is coach Christine Rose dot com Christine. Is there anything you want to leave with the audience before we head out? Oh, that's a great question coil. You know what I want to say is that stop putting up with what it is you're putting up with. The quickest way to get happier is to stop tolerating things. So whatever it is as a business owner, you're tolerating whether it is, uh, you know, a relationship with a supplier, a relationship with a customer employee behavior. I mean you get what you tolerate. So just stop it and that's what, that's what I'm gonna leave you today. That's the best advice you can take. You are what you tolerate. You heard that audience again, Christine Rose. You guys get in contact with her. I will be utilizing her myself coach. Christine Rose dot com. Her website is embedded into the profile bio. Um, so click on it, check her out. She's very wise. Thank you Christine again for taking the time out to join us. Um, I will be speaking with you again. Um, I want to just thank you for joining us. Okay, thank you coil. It's been my pleasure. Alright, audience. I wanna thank you guys for listening. I know you guys could have tuned in anywhere tuned in with us. I appreciate you and I will see you guys next friday. Alright, love you all and goodnight.