Fine Meaning Decent

Video Narration


Narration for a gallery art exhibit

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
fine meaning decent. This is a portrait of a man who is more average than average, notwithstanding. The slight leftward kink of the bridge of his nose. He wears a standard shirt, and rather inconspicuous glasses, which, owing to the kink, are faintly askew. He looks straight ahead as if inspecting a small object just before him. His expression neither serious nor unserious nor aloof. Not much of anything. He doesn't wear a hat. His hair fairly neat directly off the barber's menu, Either in number two or 8. His right leg appears crossed over his left, the not so tightly to arouse any suspicion. His eyebrows are somewhere between bushy and pencil ish, the pockets under his eyes events neither the debt of a banker nor the sense that he has just returned from vacation. His arms platonic at the base of his humdrum neck, between the inner termine i of his collarbones is a notch that you'd hardly think twice of his nostrils, mediocre, his jaw mediocre. As for the painting itself, it is fine art find meaning decent meaning acceptable. The size is just right. Neither that for a man who imagines himself, God know who thinks too little of himself. The brushstrokes are okay. The texture of curdled milk a few months expired in some places, and vanishingly thin in others they are the strokes of a middling portraitist trained at a run of the mill academy apprenticed under a not quite master The background. A nondescript sitting room is somehow both mannerist and surrealist. The circumstances under which the subject was made to sit are at best uncertain. It could have taken a very long time or been completed with the dispatch of a street cartoonist. Did he himself arranged for the portrait? Was it a burden? Did he take time out of his busy schedule, or have no schedule at all? Probably.