Singing animation, young boy voice, kids commercial



I recorded and edited this demo in my studio, with the exception of the song. The song is a portion of \"weirdos make great superheroes\" from Central Park on Apple+ originally recorded by Kristen Bell. Scripts are self written minus paw patrol & song excerpt.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Teen (13-17)


North American (General) North American (US New York, New Jersey, Bronx, Brooklyn)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
did I just break that? I'm sorry if I had my way I could surprise them. I flip the script and say everybody else's lines like, hello, good morning to you find sir, you're looking well. Am I doing an accent or Yes, smart. I mean Ray, I wouldn't get tongue tied, get nervous, but he's so tall. How old is he? She's gorgeous. Is it too much to ask for? I want to be more. Which Fant animal are you? You can collect all four karma. Fant animal dolls are all sold separately. Fan Tan Animal, Which Fant Animal are you? Pop Patrol Dino HQ comes with mystery dino additional set sold separately available only at target. Oh, hey guys, look who's had a bad day. Oh man, you smell like you just came out of a trash can. Where have you been? Well, according to my calculations, if I just moved my telescope over by the garbage bins, then I can clearly see Ursa Major. Alright, that's, let's get to the point. It sounds like things are starting to get pretty sentimental over here and I'll tell you what, those alligators are looking pretty hungry right about now.