Video Game Demo 2020 (Dimitry Rozental)


Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) Russian


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
well safe zone. Watch for enemy contract. I need a weapon. We would launch around. Get hover down. Get back down there. Well, thank you Way it would be good. Wait, please, just don't let you wait. What is this for? What? Wait, Look, we're just passing for a lettuce through peacefully. Our guys want shoot. We've been easy on you people the whole time. And Kata asked us to take her along herself. Do you get me our tomb? Let's jump. Well, that's a job. Well done. Uh, objective secured enemy shirt killed. Do not hesitate to kill. Pay for sure. One for you. Check weapons. Shoot to kill you. Meet your maker. You're going to be dead. Shift the human. Yeah, Let's shut your face. I'll come get you down.