Hospital, Warm, Caring, Professional

Video Narration


Hospital Retail spot

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Senior (55+)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Did you know that Prospect Medical Holdings has invested more than $35 million in charter cares to hospitals, Roger Williams Medical Center and Fatima Hospital. Thousands of good paying jobs were saved when prospects. Initial investment was used to stabilize the finances at roger Williams and Fatima and new jobs have been created. Advanced medical technologies have been acquired. An important medical services such as emergency medicine, cancer treatment and digestive disease care have been enhanced and prospects investment has allowed Roger Williams and Fatima to expand their remarkable records for clinical quality and patient safety, achieving nearly two dozen national quality recognitions in just two years. Unfortunately, some union leaders are trying to scare Rhode Islanders about prospects performance in Rhode island guests. They think millions of dollars in investment, job security and growth and great quality healthcare are somehow wrong for Rhode island prospect and Charter care, giving you a better way to better health care, visit charter care org to learn more.