Network Promo Demo

Movie Trailers


A new promo demo for a new year! So much fun to voice these kinds of spots. Dark and mysterious or light and fun-this demo has it all.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
from the world of Jason Bourne on You Were Sincere Spies on their maid, Treadstone. Siri's premiere Tuesday 10 9 Central on us A. Tim Allen has a new home. Yes, run the rewrite of my speech, but and Fridays are bunny again. I can't wait to you with the new PC, Mike Baxter has to say. Sounds a lot like the old Mike Baxter, but drunk in a locker room scene. Seven of Last man standing starts now on box on October 6th. Her story. We'll begin, and it's even more shocking than you were expecting. Bad Woman Series premiere October 6. C W Watch Full highlights from the 2090 Swiss See Free only on FX one. Todd Firm and expects the Jets to get Brady and the Patriots everything they can handle Tonight on Monday Night Football that Steven is grew more. You told me not to do something the more I wanted to do it. On an all new episode, tell Buddy Steve your long ways from home. Sure m a Vegas Red rods for the C word became taboo. It was news quite widely and had absolutely no negative connotation at all. Unapologetic with Aisha Tyler. So let me get this straight, guys. You're desperate to have it. You don't understand it. You fight wars toe when it stream. Now on the A M C m. What are you, four years old?