Animation & Character Demo

Profile photo for Heather Hurst
Not Yet Rated


Animation and Character demo

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (Received Pronunciation - RP, BBC) North American (General) Scottish (General) Ukrainian


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
little league. Oh, I don't know, saturday's the day. I usually wingman for my dad at the laundromat. What? And it's cool to be seen drinking pool, water. Get a life guppy. Oh, you're looking for the Keebler guys. Everyone goes to see them there, A couple of trees over sweetie. It's about time you were in the closet so long. I thought you val Narnia, I've had it. I set my sights on the fourth grade science fair trophy when I was but a kindergartner and no new kid in a maglev model monorail is gonna stand in my way. Hello and welcome to baking with vodka. Today we bake signature dish. Listen, you want to mow lawns in this town, you gotta go through me and I don't add just any kid with a dream to my roster. Stevie, A leopard never changes his spots. Just like a tiger never changes his stripes, but it's not the spots or stripes that matter. Oh yeah. Well, you know what jerry? Whenever you die, I'm gonna have you cremated and bury your ashes in the driveway so I can run you over every day. If it's not the mages that will get you. It's the kelp