\"Call of Duty: Black Ops \" ----- AS Sgt. Frank Woods

Profile photo for James C. Burns
Not Yet Rated


I am the voice, face and body of Sgt, Frank Woods as well as a contributing writer for Black Ops 1 Black Ops 2 & Black Ops 4.

Vocal Characteristics




North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
no sponsor weaver. We gotta move. Stay sharp mason. Who the **** is this? Yankee 13 report. Yeah, we haven't gone dark. Roger X ray whiskeys covering the road. Weaver's been compromising, expect the base being elevated alert. Hold your position. We are inbound crowd. All right, let's go. Follow me. Keep moving. We need those uniforms. I'll take the one on the ground. You get the other. Do it. It's been a while. Well enough Carlos, you know? Bowman, right? Carlos, mason. What's up? Carlos? So you get what we need? Yeah, we got company. Yeah. Wait, hold your position. Let's go. That's what they think of this rock. You see that finds. We're gonna take it smoke. Tell you, You can't kill me. Come on now, baby. Mhm. What about the vac? We will have transport waiting for. You. Just be there. Excellent. You got company mason. Would you look like hammered ****. Look so comfort **** in the jungle. It's not a baby. It's good to see you. Yeah. You too. Back in 64, the CIA gave up control of covert operations in Southeast Asia handed over to the U. S. Military from that Mac. V. Side was born. Don't you trust me? What's ****? Mhm. Fuckers. And then make them pay, you know, talk blank. Mhm. What's the plan? I'm thinking I'm thinking no. Talk once he hands me, we'll take it okay that I think you can't kill me. You shoot you. You shoot. Mhm. Yeah. You see the hind. We're gonna take it. It's a plane clear. Let's fly this bird. Okay, let's upload out. Movie. 32 rockets, 12 millimeter knows. Cannon. He's better to read for World War three. Chain load systems on the 32's Voters on my stick. You'll be 32 is assigned 12 millimeter can on the side. We have full power. You're ready. Ready? I'll take her up above the canopy, then hand over the stick clear. I call targets as I see him. All enemy targets are valid. Understand we have coordinates. Pepsico's compound. We follow the river all the way. God give me the stick, your bird. Keep your eyes on the dirt. I don't want a shot in the balls. Got your woods. Got you. Now you Some of them gets you. I got you mason. What? Mhm. You're okay.