Million Dollar Habits

Video Narration


Here's a snippet of a good book I always use to practice my skill. It's motivational, direct, and educational.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
million dollar habits, proven power practices to double and triple your income. Second edition by brian Tracy. You are where you are and what you are because of yourself. Everything you are today or will be in the future is up to you. Your life today is the sum of a total of choices, decisions and actions. Up to this point. You can create your own future by changing your behaviors. You can make new choices and decisions that are more consistent with the person you want to be. Anything you want to accomplish with your life. Just think everything you are or ever will be is up to you. And the only real limit on what you can be do and have is the one that you place on your own imagination. You can take complete control of your destiny by taking charge of your thoughts, words and actions from this day forward.