Character Reel



Character Reel featuring some of my more out there voices and abilities

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General) North American (General) North American (US South)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I didn't want it to end this way, Luther all you had to do was leave it alone. Just look the other way for once in your damn life. But now you're going to burn with the rest of them. Suddenly there was this bright light in the sky. What pulled me up into that fine saucer where some alien cows told me I was to help them save humanity from itself. I think maybe you've been hitting that hooch a little too hard, Earl yo check out my sick new bloated toads t shirt man, I can't wait to wear it to the concert tonight, dude, are you going to wear the shirt of the band that you're going to see? Oh my God, that is like so uncool. Well now you see the problem with kings, don't you sonny? But I sometimes forget what happens when you let upon get all the way across the board, you failed because you're not like I am because you're a good person. So go back to the good fight! Leave the bad fight to me. Oh, don't give me that namby pamby crap. What the **** do we need women in combat for? Anyway is a gold earned kitchen under attack. No, I will not let you dishonor The clan. We are oak, not demon. This is not our way. Sweet betrayal. But let's get one thing straight. Mm If you're the hero and I'm the villain of this story