Character - Strong Female Lead, Annoyed Valley Girl, Nervous, Evil, And Snooty


Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I don't understand. Why did she have to wait until now to text me? We made these plans, like, ah, week ago, and I made reservations and everything She knew. We were supposed to meet up for a brunch. So why does she think it was okay to just leave town all of a sudden? Like, Oh, sorry. I had to go Wine tasting in Napa for the weekend. Had to Yeah, right. Okay, Team, listen up. I chose each of you for the Pathfinder team. Not just because you're talented and passionate, but because you're dreamers like me. We dream of exploring the unknown of finding the edge of the map and then discovering what lies beyond. When people look back on this and they will, they'll remember. We didn't give up. We kept dreaming. Well, well, well. What do we have here? It looks as though you've wandered off the path and 10 to find your way back. Is that correct? Don't you, Larry? I can help you follow me, dear. Just a follow me and I'll appoint you in the right direction. Oh, wait a second. Should we be doing this? I mean, the science says no trespassing, I could be grounded, and then I won't be able to go to swim practice. And then I can't put swim team as my extra curricular on my college application. And then, well, I can kiss Denver goodbye. And before you know what, I'll be cutting lawns all year long before I could even go to community college because I missed the application deadline. Is trespassing really worth jeopardizing my collegiate future? Well, now, I would never see that. I was just suggesting that she may be more comfortable elsewhere. That are just so many people here tonight who were expecting to talk with you that I I wouldn't want you easily distracted. This night was meant for you, not her.