English, British, Italian, German, Australian accents.

Profile photo for McKenzie Taylor
Not Yet Rated


Wrote scripts and created all voices for my character demo.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General) North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
something is coming. It speaks to me, pounds like drums in my ears. It's coming. Darkness seeping through the veil, dividing good and evil. It's searching for me. I don't know, Brainy. It looks really dark down there. Bad things happen in the dark. They're probably monsters and things. You won't let them get me, will you. Brainy. Brainy! Where are you OK, Ben? You cannot keep this up. All this flirting and never making good on it. You want to woo me! You've got to up your game. Bring a girl some donuts, cinnamon rolls, coffee. None of this casual crap. A baking soda volcano. Stupid parents. My intelligence bar surpasses a baking soda volcano. You insult me with such ideas. How you managed to populate and create me will forever remain an enema. You promised you promised me that, no matter the cost, you would protect Voltaire, you promised you would protect my home. You're a liar Carson and I will make you pay for this. Now, listen up, you dweeb, do what I say, or I'm gonna feed you to my dog. Who's the cutest? You're the cutest, aren't you? Yes, you are. He likes little morsels like you. Eunice. So R E S P C E T and I'll let you live