ANIMATION - Characters - Strong, Feisty, Teenager, Emotional, Bold

Profile photo for Miriam Olson
Acheivement Badges Top Talent


My animation demo with unique characters ranging from ANT COLONY LEADER and MOTIVATIONAL SPEAKER to EXCITED ELEMENTARY SCHOOL MATHLETE to MAMA BEAR defending her young.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US Midwest- Chicago, Great Lakes) North American (US West Coast - California, Portland)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Sweetie. If Christina tells you one more time that you're stinky, we are going to march over to her house and I am going to give her a piece of my mind. I don't care that she's sick. Now, go take a bath. Numbers make the world go around. Literally. Some people are like, oh math, why do I need math the other day? I was helping my dad build a workbench and to get all the angles right, we had to use Pythagorean triplicates. Yeah. And if we hadn't known them and their multiples, we would have been so screwed. Clasp up on your chairs quickly. Now, Otis Tanisha grab the dust pans and gently guide the frogs onto them. It's not your fault, Kimmy. So you can stop crying. Ok? I guess we are not going to save all of them, Susie. This is no time to give up. We're army ants when the going gets tough. We don't start it right and dirt, we start tunneling. Sammy, take the excess dirt and pile it up to the portal in the sky. Kennedy, help me move this dirt club. Now, God, we are getting out of here. Oh, my God. No, Kendra. There is no way I'm getting in this car if you're driving it. I actually like my life a ha ho. Do not give me that look, nerd face. You barely passed your driver's test and now I'm supposed to go joyriding with you in the middle of the night. Not a chance.