Character TV Ad - Whimsical, Fun, Lively, Relatable

Profile photo for Miriam Olson
Acheivement Badges Top Talent
Television Ad


An interactive character who helps you make the big decisions -- choosing a paint color for your house!
Vocal qualities: Fun, Lively, Real, Down-to-Earth, Talking to your best friend
Improv Experience shines through!

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US West Coast - California, Portland)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
um I'm gonna hold on one second. Humans love color strawberry, red and coral pink and electric orange, violet, lavender, indigo, mulberry and sienna and Egyptian green and Appalachian spring and pickled sunflower. Oh yeah, I think I see the problem. Humans love color but when it comes to finding paint for their homes, choosing one is the worst. So they barely choose it all. They spend hours on Benjamin moore browsing the rainbow, getting inspired only to leave empty handed. So humans created me. Hello, my name is dot I'm here to help you find your color. Yeah, I'm artificial but intelligent. I have natural language processing. So yeah, talk to me like you would a friend. I'm not a quiz. I'm a consultation mood color pairing, natural light shade and vibrancy. I help you see through the eyes of an interior designer turning Benjamin moore's 3500 colors into the one you and every boring white wall have been dreaming of. It was nice to meet you. It's been fun, right?