
Video Narration


I've voiced many meditations and am the voice of a meditation app. My soft, soothing and warm tone is perfect to help relax and get you into the headspace for meditation.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (Canadian-General) North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
make yourself comfortable sitting upright with a straight spine with your eyes closed. Look at the point midway between the eyebrows on your forehead. Inhale slowly counting to eight. Hold the breath for the same eight counts while concentrating your attention at the point between the eyebrows. Now exhale slowly to the same count of eight, Repeat 3- six times. Be as attentive as possible. If you have difficulty feeling the breath, you can concentrate on the breathing process itself, feeling your diaphragm and chest expanding and contracting gradually as you become more calm. Try to feel the breath higher and higher in the nose. Be sure that your gaze is kept steady at the point between the eyebrows throughout your practice. Don't allow your eyes to follow the movement of the breath. If you find that your mind has wandered simply bring it back to an awareness of the breath and the mantra.