Remie Michelle Clarke - Audiobook (Neutral Irish, Characters)



Following two women whose unexpected lottery win sees them sighing over cerulean waters as they skirt the European coastline in their snazzy red convertible, this is a fun and uplifting listen with a host of international characters!

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Irish (General) Italian (American) Italian (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Chapter one, Portofino lay sparkling below them in the late afternoon sun, with its past all houses clinging to the steep slopes all the way to the pretty harbour crammed with boats. It was an enchanting place. Leanne forgot all the stress of the long drive on the winding coast road from Nice. She looked at the breathtaking view of the town, the azure sea and cerulean skies and relaxed leaning, her sweaty back against the leather seats of the red Mercedes convertible. Stunning, she sighed and pulled out her phone from the glove compartment. Perfect shot for the next block post. She took a few photos and then paused, staring at the glorious view trying to take in that they were here at the start of the next leg of their journey. It was a rollercoaster ride. It had been winning all that cash in the lottery, and then taking off in a red convertible for a mad road trip was still like a fantasy to Leanne, the dry from Ireland through Wales and England and Aunt Amsterdam, Paris and finally the French Riviera had taken a new, exciting twist with the travel bug. They were writing for women now magazine. All those women who followed it, cheering them on being inspired by their great adventure. She smiled and put her phone back. This is probably the most beautiful view of the whole trip, she said. Don't you think Maddie didn't move or speak? It's like a dream. She finally mumbled This town this view. Incredible, a mirage, Leon said dreamily. A fairy tale or something from one of those 19 sixties movies with Marcello Mastroianni. I can imagine Sophia Loren sashaying down the street, singing That's the Marais that was Dean Martin and Sofia sashay down the slums of Naples, not Portofino. I know Leon took a few more shots and put away her phone. Do you always have to be the teacher? Can't we take a break from our jobs for a while? It's such a treat, not tohave a whole class of teenage girls glaring at us, don't you think? Yes, but I like to stick to facts. Thank your facts. I'd like to dream a little, I'm sure, Sophia saying that's a moray to will, making her famous spaghetti sauce. Then she fed it to Marcello, and he licked her fingers before they jumped into bed. Those two so sexy. I used to watch those movies on rainy Sundays when I was a teenager. Muddy side. Oh, yeah, me too. There's been nobody liked him ever since. No. Maddie turned to Leon. I'm glad we left friends. Sorry if I rushed you, but it all seemed to happen so fast. All of it. You finding your dad after all these years, My marriage finally ending and me suddenly single. And then your dad being so attractive, his fantastic house in the hills above Niece. And then she stopped and then Dad and you falling for each other. Leon said softly. Yeah, That was a bit of a surprise, I must say, Not that he's not very handsome. And you such a hot chick. Even at your age, she glanced up Muddy, hoping to cheer her up with her teasing, Maddie smiled. Thanks.