Character Demo



Custom written demo demonstrating range for animation/games.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General) North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Oh, come on. If the job was that easy? No way. You'd be hiring me? You say the building has no security. The one that garden crappy locks. What aren't you telling me? Where's the catch? But I didn't imagine those council fools be so desperate as they cut me off because of that. Some apprentice. I must remove that obstacle permanently. I'm sorry. Did that hurt? You know? It's gonna hurt way more in a real fight. So you'd better quit being so weak already for 300 years. This valley has sat under my protection. I will not see it fall to evil today. Everyone here's what's gonna happen. We're gonna chase these guys down. Not lose any more friends, not a single one. And with me here, we're gonna win. Oh, oops. Well, I suppose that the end of that.