

Selection of samples from projects I've been included in, including independent developer games, animation, audiodramas, and others.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General) French (General) North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I wasn't blindly charge into a confrontation, I suggest more cause than before. Oh, peel all the skin off your bones for that. But in the end, if strength cannot save you that, what can what are you monologue ng about? Since? When did you strain your wrist? When you don't even need to use it? Don't you take notes on your laptop? Have you had fun playing, make believe these past three days? Yes, that's right. I know it's all been an act. You're no detective at first. It was born from my hatred and a tool of my planned revenge and vindication. If I could figure out their race, I could figure out why they did that to me. Then I could figure out how to destroy them. That could save me from that as well. Tried to add this little game. Where are you hiding? Ha!