RIO ROCKET | SIMON - Influencer Character Ad, British, Humorous

Video Narration


Character VO spot for Simon Plottskins, fictional British Social Media Rockstar Influencer

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (England - Cockney, Estuary, East End) British (England - East Midlands, Leicester) British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
My name is Simon plot skins and this is my masterclass. I'm going to teach you how to be a social media rock star. Your morning coffee is ready. Mr plot skins hot and black, just like you like it. Thanks Yesenia taste of success. It's not that easy and it's not that hard either. Me thinks it's somewhere in the middle, but I'm not exactly sure what I do know is how to penetrate your audience, serve superior content and breaking mounds of cash and I'll show you how to house my schedule. Looking today, Yesenia seven AM 7 38 38 45. All of them canceled see that boss maneuver. I'm going to take you through every social network that mouth, but forget about the Facebooks, instagrams and the Lincolns of the world, nah, we're doing something a bit different. Love step into the 21st century with cutting edge social apps like clubhouse Tiktok and Wechat, I'll show you how to go viral with nothing more than a pot of boiling rice and a lot of new, your last post just got four billion views with two million at mentions of your name. That billion with a B As you go through each module, learn the secret techniques that made me a clubhouse king or tick God and a Wechat grandmaster. Can't focus, No worries. Just let it play bro, you'll naturally absorb my awesome, it's not about likes, it's not about views and it's definitely not about showing your plump round bottom on the ground. He thinks mom would be modified anyway. It's all about the slot skins plot skins method patented by me. Simon plot skins on the corner of barnaby and slot skin you're sending is a bit of a speed freak with this method I'm going to take you inside as an inside inside, around and round the ebbs and flows and through the nooks and crannies of building social capital. It's a deep dive like you'll never forget bro, in the time it takes to master my technique in less than a fortnight you'll be gobsmacked at the results mate, so strap up, get your metals right and put your credit card in a little space under this video and click submit and I'll see you on the other side of your followers just increased by 400 million across all platforms. Simon the Kardashians are on the phone with an offer to collaborate, take a message like my name is Simon plot, skins, the creator of slot skins plot skins method and thank you for coming to my master class. Now say my name, say it, Simon, say it. Simon Simon, say it Simon that's enough. Love Simon plot skins skins, skins, total game changer and thank you for coming to my master. Now let's begin