Animation - Friendly, Confident, Professional

Profile photo for Rob Jellison
Acheivement Badges Top Talent


Animation video for Zylo

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US West Coast - California, Portland)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
the SAS has made amazing things possible for businesses everywhere and the average company uses more than 600 SAS applications. Unfortunately, this explosion has created a lack of visibility. Uncontrolled costs and increased risk subscriptions are here to stay. But isn't there a better way meet Zillow, the world's leading SAS management platform. Zillow delivers complete SAS visibility, greater cost control and data driven risk management. Using machine learning, the silo discovery engine automatically discovers and sort your SAS applications to create a single system of record for your whole SAS portfolio. The Zillow dashboard presents an intuitive view of your sass portfolio complete with real time metrics including application utilization total spend month over month changes and more quickly. Find and take action on redundant applications and explore data points like application categories, employee expenses, recent payments and spend by cost center. To quickly understand your SAS portfolio, dive deeper into application specific data for salesforce zoom and other applications in your portfolio including subscription details, renewal dates, utilization metrics and more dozens of zoom specific utilization details including a number of meetings hosted, meeting length and video use. Help you optimize license types and control costs, right size licenses with silo insights by quickly communicating with end users and easily downgrading or de provisioning. Underutilized licenses continuously monitor and manage your sass portfolio with real time new spend and new application alerts and minimize shadow I. T. With a curated SAS application catalog powered by Zillow Now employees easily see and request access to the pre approved applications. They need to be more effective With Zillow discover optimize plan and govern your SASS portfolio for greater visibility, better cost control and stronger risk management. Request a demo today and start actively managing your SAS portfolio with Zillow.