Steritech Explainer Clip

Video Narration


Steritech Explainer Clip by R. John

This clip can best be described as: bright , informative , helpful , easygoing , soothing , inspirational , welcoming , pleasant , agreeable , affable , communicative , easygoing , smooth , instructive , explanatory , supportive , appealing , captivating

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (Received Pronunciation - RP, BBC) North American (General) Spanish (Neutral - International)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
most food safety audit programs fail. Here's why so often these programs air seen by operators as the auditor versus the location. Typically, hunters have a reputation for lurking around your staff and observing, but never actually explaining what they're looking for, which often results in. An anxious staff learns how to gain the audit instead of running a better restaurant. So over time, what they get good at is executing a fire drill to straighten up the back of the house in a hurry. Pencil whipping checklists, logbooks and training records, even calling in nearby managers to replace every day staff to ensure that things were done the right way during the audit. Let's face it, your audit program is creating a culture. It's just not the kind of culture that you want. And no doubt it probably doesn't provide a very accurate picture of what's really going on in your stores. At Stare Itek, we take a different approach, one that works hard to build the right kind of culture in your operation and having designed and administered audit programmes for over 20 years, we know exactly how to do that. Instead of just executing a few intimidating audits throughout the year. We taken approach more like a fitness program so our clients can build organizational muscle that produces a healthy operating culture. Most of our programs have a foundation of quarterly assessments, are data shows. This provides just the right amount of ongoing attention to the standards and enough time between visits for operating teams to implement any needed corrective actions. We also build several occasions into the program for operating. Teams can see us as subject matter experts. We're trying to help them, not just a scary auditors. This establishes credibility and trust two things that are critical to driving the right kinds of behavior in your Stormers. We also work hard to make every store visit engaging and constructive, not intimidating and threatening. Our specialists invite the GM to walk with them throughout the entire visit to maximize what they learned throughout the engagement, which is why our specialists narrate what they're specifically observing at all times explaining the why behind all standards, especially those which aren't being done the right way, allows the staff bill knowledge and understanding during the visit instead of just feelings. If they're receiving a performance review, they also use a practice we call positive engagement, which means their first focuses on highlighting what a location is doing Well, in addition to where there is room for growth and improvement against the expected standard. Again, this approach builds credibility and trust. At the end of every visit, our specialist sits down with the G M and reinforces what the team is doing. Well, of course, you're specialists also reviews those things that needed to be addressed immediately and even helps with corrective action planning. Make no mistake. During every visit stare Itek specialists complete a thorough, objective, accurate evaluation with the goal that every location received a calibrated assessment across the brand. But it's are differentiated approach that enables us to build credibility and trust with the in store teams. And it's this more collaborative approach that ultimately drives the right behaviors. Creates brand ambassadors, power toe wanna run safer, better restaurants in between every stare Itek visit. Instead of learning to gain the audits, teams understand the impact their operational practices have on the customers they serve, and there is a desire to want to do the right thing instead of having to do it. It's this approach that effectively builds the kind of healthy culture that will set your organization up for success as you grow. If you're ready to explore how a more effective program with stereotyped can set your organization up for success, contact us at www dot stare itek dot com.