Dramatic Animation and Video Games Demo
Vocal Characteristics
EnglishVoice Age
Middle Aged (35-54)Accents
British (General) North American (General) North American (US South)Transcript
Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Let me do something good. Let me do something right for once, please. Now get out of here much that can I be back you up? What the **** was that? Shut your bloody mouth. We're not alone, doctor. We're off to talk on the contrary to bias. We're about to stare into the eyes of God, that stone. What the **** is that the smell? Yeah. Smells like something died up in here. Silence yourselves, gentlemen, for we are no longer walking in the realms of man. We are somewhere else. Your weapons are no good here. This is the demon's floor. Well, well, it's gonna let you go, but you'll just go ratting on us. So this is it. We're grateful of our time is about to begin the troops. Uh I come too far. She can make long, sir. We can't hold them off for much longer. We're the health of Air Force, Roger Tango Charlie. This is the dancing duke. I got an eg a of around 10 seconds. This is just a friendly reminder for you and the boys to put your loved ones and limbs into safe storage so I can send these kind folk back to the stone age.