Cartoon Character Demo - young girl, lisp boy, superhero & dopey male

Profile photo for Samantha Lillian
Not Yet Rated


Take a listen to the dynamic range of some sample animated character voices I can d

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Teen (13-17)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
so it's my birthday today and I'm gonna have cake and presents. And all my friends from school are gonna be there. Well one of my friends from school are gonna be there it's my sister. She didn't want to come but mama made her. It's a good birthday gee golly will occurs. That's a whole lot of spiders in that jar. Sammy. We have spiders and Centipedes in our basement. Daddy hates him but he makes mommy spray raid all over him to the villains among us, wreaking havoc on the fine citizens of joy ville. I wonder girl will no longer stand for your juvenile actions. Turn yourselves in today or face the consequences. Uh George. Where'd you go? George George? I don't like the dark George. It's spooky. Turn the lights back on right now or I'm leaving George.