Professional english male narration video elearning & documentaries



Professional english male narration video for elearning & documentaries usind a variety of vocal tones and engagement.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Senior (55+)


North American (Canadian-General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US Midwest- Chicago, Great Lakes)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
beginning november 1st through november 15th. You can view your current benefit elections and make changes for 2023 by logging onto your dashboard once logged in select menu then myself then manage my benefits. At the conclusion of this course, you will understand the importance of lock out tag out, recognized the common terms used in energy isolation. Be able to list energy sources and have an understanding of the lock out tag out permitting system born the size of a peanut growing up in a pouch, the roux emerges to become one of the most graceful, powerful and successful of animals. If you are performing a face to face interaction, then select the face to face option as the HCP signature method if you are face to face but performing a distance signature capture, then select Q. R. Code to generate a QR code. The HCP can scan to access a signature screen on their own device. We are a team of visionaries of believers in the power of Science United by a mission to defeat cancer. Through earlier detection, prevention and smarter answers. We're getting ahead of cancer by creating the tools to detect it earlier. You're settling into your new home and have just received an offer on your old home congrats, here's what you can expect during the closing process. Closing typically takes about 4-6 weeks once you and the buyer finalize an agreement