Character Voices Therapist Mom Reporter



Tricia is a Mom, Pamela Braverman, Dr. Janet Howes, the main character’s therapist and a reporter. Warm, kind, compassionate, caring, therapist, psychologist, therapy. Sharp, funny, loving, annoying mom. Confident, urgent, honest, direct news reporter.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Senior (55+)


North American (General) North American (US Midwest- Chicago, Great Lakes) North American (US West Coast - California, Portland)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Eugene and Mona. What a pleasant surprise. Hi mrs Braverman mona. Please call me pam. It's almost insulting. You don't considering how close you and Eugene are, mom. It's just gene, you can tell the rest of the world that. But since you came out of my hoo ha I get to call you the name your father and I picked out. How is Anthony feeling today? Ah, still sad. Normal, Sad or worse than normal. Said, I can't tell. It's still just I don't know what to do with my life. It's okay to feel trapped in the vortex, identifying it as the first step to getting out. Mm hmm. How are the audio diaries coming along? I don't know. I mean, I'm doing them. I don't know if they're helping or not, but it feels good talking things out loud. I think I'm glad you're doing them Anthony. I thought today we could try the hypnotherapy exercise we talked about if you're still comfortable with it. Yeah, sure. Great. Like I said, it doesn't work on everyone, but it's a good tool to help us identify blocks that exist just below the consciousness. Breaking news tonight. One of the last remaining defiance known by many as ruby was captured today by authorities. This marks a significant moment in the authority's goal to move forward as a collective to grow and to create a better world for all of us