Spokesperson Conversational Genuine Articulate Narrator

Video Narration


Tricia brings a genuine, articulate and conversational to any narrator or spokesperson role with real believable confidence. Her calm delivery has been described as: warm, kind, open, believable, confident, clear, articulate, strong. She is available via SourceConnect or the platform of your choice.

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Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (Canadian - West) North American (Canadian-General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hello. This is Tricia Stewart Shoe, and this is artistic allegories. Audio version on Zo magazine for August 2020. The title of the article is the Age of Recognizance. How much do you trust yourself to be trusted? Imagine the following scenario. Insert your name are hereby released by the Court of Law on your own recognizance to return to this court 30 days from now. In this scenario, the court, the judge and the lawyers are trusting that you will return for your own appointed court date. There no shackles. There is no electric fence. There is Onley your word that you will return according to find law dot com, when a criminal suspect is arrested, booked and granted release on their own recognizance or O. R. No bail money is paid to the court and no bond is posted. The suspect is merely released after promising and writing toe appear in the court for all upcoming proceedings. Of course, this is only one example, but there is a certain amount of trust that comes with any agreement. Trevor Noah said this in a video posted on the daily Social Distancing show on YouTube on May 29th 2020. It was called George Floyd. Minneapolis protests Ahmed are very, and Amy Cooper Society is a contract that we signed as human beings with each other, whether spoken or unspoken. We agree in this group too. Common rules, common ideals and common practices that are going to define us as a group. And the contract is on Lee A strong is the people who abide by it. In every scenario and circumstance in our lives there exists boundaries that we acknowledge and agree to the edges of those boundaries can be tested by us or others. Those very boundaries make life livable or unlivable for each of us. And within those boundaries, we can experience our own heaven or **** sanctuary or cess pool. The agreement to those boundaries is fluid, and whether real or perceived, there are certain hard and fast rules on which we must agree. However, there are loads of unspoken rules that people, including ourselves, blindly follow merely because they've been there, and it's just too hard to change. Some people live their lives at the very edges of those boundaries, pressing up against them, smashing them till they're bloodied in battle, worn while others deep in their resistance and withdraw to the center of those boundaries far away from clashes or anyone who might be pushing them to change. We all have a purpose in life. Some people are born boundary pushers. You know the type, the kind of people who wish to see how far they can go before they're stopped. Others find comfort in the routines set by those boundaries. The challenge It's living together. Trevor Noah also said. There is no contract ifl on. People in power don't uphold their end of it. So at some point there will be a clash, and whatever injustice appears, it must be addressed. No one's video certainly hit a nerve, receiving over nine million views without trust. Society faces cycle after cycle of unrest as those who demand change bump up against those who see no reason for it coming to an agreement. A consensus is only the beginning. Setting up rules doesn't seem to be the problem right now. Change is scary. However, The question is, how long are those who wish for change to occur going to withstand injustices while others resist trusting and believing that those who set up lead and enforce and agree to those rules will actually follow through with their promises. As Noah said, the contract is on Lee a strong as those people who abide by it. Do you trust yourself now?