Russian - Weathered, Motivated, Foreign



Russian - Weathered, Motivated, Foreign

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)




Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
When I was a boy, I watched my world explode. I thought I lost everything in that fiery nightmare. But what I found in the rubble of my childhood, awakened me. The island showed a scared boy that he could be a survivor. That's what I want for you to meet your true self. You will embrace who you are meant to be. Yes. Or is this all who you are? Will you find a person strong enough to conquer their fear? Or will you die Because you're too weak to understand it? Yes, my friend, everyone is searching for himself. That search ends here. The place I once called home when I was on the boy I watched my will explode near velma and Dom. I thought I lost everything in that fiery nightmare. But what I found in the rubble of my childhood awakened me. The island showed a scared little boy that he could be a survivor. That's what I want for you to meet your true self. Will you embrace who you are meant to be? What is this all who you are? Will you find a person strong enough to conquer their fear? Or will you die because you were too weak to understand it? Yes, comrade. Everyone is searching for themselves. That search ends here. The place I call home