Confident Narration: Witty, Authoritative, Professional, Articulate



Confident Narration: Witty, Sassy, Professional, Articulate, Authoritative, Professional, Helpful

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US West Coast - California, Portland)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
introduction for most of us. This joke says it all. What's the difference between a dictionary and life? You can find happiness in the dictionary if only finding happiness was this easy? Well now it is. The facts, study statistics, true stories, anecdotes, quotes and more contained within these pages offer every answer to every question you've ever had about happiness since the beginning of time. The quest for happiness has been a constant part of life's journey. From the minute we were born, our race for pleasure begins. You can do this, you've got this incorporate the suggestions, encouragement and beliefs in this book and bam You'll get it and you'll have it for life. As the whole world opens up to you in a better, more robust, brighter way, there will be no more reasons to sit on the couch wondering why your life is so miserable. The only reason why people feel this way is because they don't know all about the resources available to set them on the right track. And the good news is searching for happiness is a whole lot easier than panning for gold. So what's the problem? Well, First of all, happiness now has 6000 revisions in Wikipedia. And did you know that a Google search on happiness brings up 839 million results. Amazingly enough. In 1962, the popular cartoonist and writer Charles Schwartz wrote an entire book, Unhappiness called Happiness is a warm puppy. So what you say, What if I told you Schultz book is one of 23,000 books on the topic. Also, thousands of musicians continue singing songs about happiness, as in Roy Rogers, Happy trails, Pharrell, Williams, happy and Stevie wonder. Happy birthday. Happiness even made it into the Declaration of Independence as in life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Happiness is as individualized as a snowflake. Yet the steps to finding happiness are virtually the same. The art of choosing happiness has studied them and knows each step works, including what happiness is myths about happiness, the roads that lead to unhappiness, how to reclaim happiness through forgiveness. Being thankful, celebrating success, positive thinking, fulfilling relationships, setting boundaries, prioritizing self worth, positive affirmations overcoming negative emotions.