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An illustration depicts laptops in many colors
Voice Acting
UX Design: What it is and Why You Should Care

It's not just for techies. Find out what User Experience Design is, and why every business - and employee - should care.

a golden film reel and unraveling film
Voice Acting
Academy Award for Best Picture – Nomination...

Can you predict which films will be nominated for an Oscar? We analyze the nominees for Best Picture and draw comparisons.

The empty seats of the Chinese Theatre in LA
Voice Acting
Best Animated Feature Film: The Anatomy of an Oscar...

Is there a trend among Best Animated Feature Film Oscar winners? We examine their attributes - and the results are surprising! Read now

Retrieved flight data recorder
Audio Plays Starring Role in “Sully”,...

How important are recordings from an airplane’s black box? Depending on the plane, they could literally change the course of history.

New Favorites on Demos | Blog
Why Do Clients Like Your Voice? New Favorites Will...

Why did that creative producer like your voice? Now that demos can be saved to a client's favorites at Voices, you'll have a better idea.

Computer generated characters show a person in a motion capture suit in front of a screen, being recorded by someone with a camera and computer
Voice Acting
Animation Stars Talk About How They Find the Character

How do Billy West, Reuben Langdon and Paul St. Peter find the character? Read on to discover how they make animators dreams come true!

Tips for Voice Actors
Video: How To Submit A Voice Talent Audition

Are you ready to start auditioning? If you were thinking of getting started with Voices this video will show you to see how easy it is.

podcasts from voices of the industry panels
Voice Acting
Podcast: Key Success Factors

Tommy Griffiths, a skilled voice actor recently moderated a panel discussion on the key factors for success in the voice acting industry.

Making Money
Podcast: The Role of Rates in the VO Industry

Bruce Kronenberg, Co-owner of Abacus entertainment recently moderated a panel discussion on the role rates play in the voice over industry.

Voice Acting
Podcast: Advice for New Voice Actors

Bruce Kronenberg, Co-owner of Abacus entertainment recently moderated a panel discussion on what advice voice actors would give to new talent beginning their...

Making Money
Podcast: Evolution of Voice Over Rates

Bruce Kronenberg, Co-owner of Abacus entertainment recently moderated a panel discussion on the evolution of voice over rates.

Making Money
Podcast: Feedback Regarding Rates

Bruce Kronenberg, Co-owner of Abacus entertainment moderated a panel discussion on the feedback voice actors have received on their rates from clients.

Showing 289-300 of 314 Articles