Animation, character, anime, accents, engaging

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This is my latest animation reel. It features a slew of characters I've voiced, with an emphasis on believable, authentic voices that are deeply developed and able to be voiced at the drop of a hat. Accents, impressions and highly engaging characters are a strength, and this reel is a great sampling of them.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General) German North American (General) Russian


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
There are three things that need to be considered in this situation. One will we survive in the vacuum of space. Time to put up a shut up, boys. Let's move out That little radio. Well done. Comrade Stalin would like to personally congratulate you. You got one of two options. Number one. You go to the party. When I was your age, we used to pass the time by one dry. Why are you doing this? If Kobe gets his hands on that letter, then he'll control the entire royal Army. They told one of meals. Bra, He gets dinged up. Mr. Barton, you're gonna pay for that. I suppose I could try. But contrary to popular, believe I'm not exactly peachy with time, Kato. Look, you made a mistake. We all have. But at a certain point, you gotta let it go. Well, you can try. But that ridge has been out for at least three years. Maybe next time you wait, just share some more with us. You're gonna get to the point. What are we gonna have the city it and listen to your Bible?