Rom Com (Male/ Female - Dialogue only)

Profile photo for Christina Sivrich
Not Yet Rated


This is a demo of just dialogue between a male and female character. It's a Rom Com with a job mix up. Cute and fun

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
So you don't have a baby. I don't, you have got to be kidding me. Did you hire a nanny for a baby? You don't have? It does seem odd that no one from your agency verified that, doesn't it? Oh, yes, I can see. This is very funny for you. Less funny for me. Since I quit my job to take this position, I'll have to see if they'll take me back, which is highly unlikely since I told my manager to go f himself when I quit that mouth. Wait a second. Am I being recruited for sex work? Is that what this is? Do you hire nannies you don't need in order to traffic them? You're wearing leggings and a hoodie. No one is hiring you for sex work. I assure you you're flying well, under the radar in that I dressed for a day with a toddler. Yeah, I don't have one of those. Then. Why did you hire a nanny? Is this some kind of nanny porn fetish? You know, it doesn't work that way, right. You can't hire an actual nanny to fulfill your weird kinks. You have to hire a ********** who is willing to pretend to be a nanny. What did you say your name was Liberty Parker? Liberty. I'm going to tell you a secret. Ok. If I wanted a woman to enact some nanny fantasy with me, I wouldn't need to pay her. Good to know. Um, are you sure you don't have any Children? Maybe there's one you don't know about yet, but it's getting dropped off today. A fun surprise. You have a kid. But I got you a nanny. So we're even kind of thing dropped off by a stork or what were you envisioning Amazon Prime?