Congressman John Lewis Historic Speech at the 1963 March on Washington

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In US news and current events today, this historic John Lewis speech at the 1963 March on Washington cemented his status in the Civil Rights Movement. The John Lewis March on Washing Speech 1963 is among the most famous speeches of the Civil Rights Movement.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (US General American - GenAM) US African American


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Those who have said, be patient and wait, We have long said that we cannot be patient. We do not want our freedom gradually, but we want to be free. Now. We are tired. We're tired of being beaten by policemen. We're tired of seeing our people locked up in jail over and over again. And then you holler, be patient. How long can we be patient? We want our freedom and we want it now. We do not want to go to jail, but we will go to jail. If this is the price, we must pay for love, brotherhood and true peace.