Amazon Brand Awareness - Engaging, Down-to-Earth, Relatable

Profile photo for Miriam Olson
Acheivement Badges Top Talent
Video Narration


Responsible for the voicing the copy and editing the directed session and final takes. Sent via WAV file to the clients.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US West Coast - California, Portland)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
customers visit amazon at a variety of points in their path to making a purchase. One of the early stages in the shopping journey is called awareness. It's when customers discover and show interest in a brand or product and could mark the starting point of their relationship with the brand and it's also your moment to reach customers with information about your brand and to help them become aware of your product selection. Here's an example. A shopper is getting ready for their upcoming vacation and wants to get a new outfit for the trip, they aren't sure what to buy, so they check at their favorite fashion brand, has any new items as they start browsing and discovering different products the brand is currently offering. They have now entered the awareness stage of their shopping journey. So how do you meet shoppers at this stage of their journey with amazon ads, self service products. You can meet customers where they're already browsing and engage them with ads that introduce your products and tell your brand story using different ad placements and creative formats together, you can develop unique ways to reach and inspire customers to help reach shoppers who have just realized a new want or need try using a sponsored brands campaign with store spotlight Creative along with sponsored display audiences, campaigns for your sponsored brands campaign, you can showcase up to three store sub pages in one ad placement by using store spotlight Creative by targeting relevant product categories. This ad can help direct customers to your store who are interested in discovering new products like yours. This can also help increase product awareness by encouraging customers to explore your entire product portfolio for the next campaign. Use sponsor display audiences to help engage or reengage audiences who viewed your products products similar to yours, relevant categories and even complementary or related categories to your products. Your ads can appear both on and off amazon. These campaigns can complement any of your existing advertising and can help create awareness for your brand and products by reaching audiences of other categories or brands at any stage in their journey with these combined strategies, you can help leave a lasting impression on shoppers as they move toward a potential purchase using multiple campaign types in tandem, give shoppers a cohesive at experience that can make your brand story a part of their story, to learn more about amazon self service advertising solutions and to get started building your awareness strategy, visit advertising dot amazon dot com.